Studying Chess Made Easy
Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 12:20AM
Dennis Monokroussos in Book Reviews

That's the slightly amphibolous title of long-inactive GM Andy Soltis's latest book, which I zipped through in the last 24 hours. As with many of his books, he's long on offering advice, and it's advice the amateur should seriously consider. Here the advice is on how to study, and along the way he offers tips on how to use your computer for both practice and handling database material; who to spar with; what to do about the problem of too much information when studying openings and endgames; handling tactics and planning in a practical context; studying master games and plenty more besides. It's a good book, and while I think players over 2000 can benefit from it too, those below that level will benefit most of all.

Article originally appeared on The Chess Mind (
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