An Excellent Article on Chess960
Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 5:58PM
Dennis Monokroussos in Chess960

...can be found in the pages of the latest issue (December 2011) of Chess Life. It's ostensibly an article on the Kings vs. Queens match at the unwieldily-named Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis back in September, but co-authors IM Irina Krush and GM Ben Finegold focus on the Chess960 games almost to the exclusion of the match's classical games.

Krush, who wrote the background article (Finegold was the primary annotator) offers a lot of very useful tips about Chess960 - some based on her own experience, some originating from her coach Georgi Kacheishvili. Lest you think that this is only of interest to people who will play Chess960, fear not: read carefully and the application to "real" chess will be obvious. Those with access to the article are encouraged to take the time to read it and replay the included games.

Article originally appeared on The Chess Mind (
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